Mill Creek Collection

Nichols Flooring Installation
Our highly-charactered Mill Creek collection is for the homeowner who loves the thrill of an authentic-looking wood floor without compromising quality. Mill Creek is made from European White Oak, but has a thicker 4mm upper layer – meaning it can be sanded and refinished multiple times over generations of use.
Mill Creek Collection - Nichols
Mill Creek Collection - Nichols
Mill Creek Collection - Nichols
Mill Creek Collection - Nichols
Mill Creek Collection - Nichols
Mill Creek Collection - Nichols
Mill Creek Nichols flooring installed in home
Mill Creek Nichols flooring installed in home
Mill Creek Nichols flooring installed in home

Mill Creek Collection

Stratton Flooring Installation
Our highly-charactered Mill Creek collection is for the homeowner who loves the thrill of an authentic-looking wood floor without compromising quality. Mill Creek is made from European White Oak, but has a thicker 4mm upper layer – meaning it can be sanded and refinished multiple times over generations of use.
Mill Creek Collection Stratton installed in home

Mill Creek Collection

Woodson Flooring Installation
Our highly-charactered Mill Creek collection is for the homeowner who loves the thrill of an authentic-looking wood floor without compromising quality. Mill Creek is made from European White Oak, but has a thicker 4mm upper layer – meaning it can be sanded and refinished multiple times over generations of use.
Mill Creek Collection Woodson installed in home