February 8, 2022

Formaldehyde Statement

Increasingly homeowners are asking about formaldehyde levels when choosing wood flooring products.

At Timeless Wood Floors we are committed to only supplying products that are safe for consumers. We must be able to say, “We would have this in our own homes”, before we would sell any product.

Internationally there are various standards for acceptable levels of formaldehyde emitted from products like cabinets, furniture and flooring. Europe has their E1 standard and the United States, specifically California, have their strict CARB 2 (California Air Resource Board) standard. At this time CARB Phase 2 is the strictest
formaldehyde standard in the world. CARB is a California standard and technically not required in Canada but increasingly consumers are requesting this level of compliance for products they choose for their home.

It is Timeless Wood Floors policy that all flooring products that we sell which fall under CARB regulations in California must be produced with components from facilities that produce CARB Phase 2 compliant products.

It is now Timeless Wood Floors policy that all manufacturing partners hold current FloorScore Certification or are in the process of becoming certified. Floorscore conducts on site audits and independent product testing to ensure indoor air quality targets are met.

More information regarding FloorScore can be found on their site:

It is also important to know that Timeless Wood Floors does not solely rely on our manufacturing partners’ assurances of CARB Phase 2 compliance. We submit random samples to an independent testing facility for verification that our products meet or exceed CARB Phase 2 requirements.

We are very proud to announce that through February 8, 2022 our independent testing has confirmed that no Timeless Wood Floors products that would be regulated in California under CARB Phase 2 have produced results that exceeded allowable levels for use in California homes.


Paul Philips


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